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You may have heard that eBay has banned ‘active content’ midway through 2017. If you still have active content, if you haven’t already, you should expect eBay to flag these listings or your store, and request them to be changed immediately.


What on Earth is Active Content?

Active content is a broad term that includes the likes of, Flash, Plugins, JavaScript, and form actions – confusing right? You may be unsure whether you have any active content on your eBay store. Listings which contain the following most likely use active content:


Why are they Removing Active Content?

eBay have said it is to increase page load times, create a more secure marketplace, and increase optimisation for mobile devices. Additionally, with fierce competition from the likes of Amazon, eBay are doing their best to ensure a user-friendly environment.


What can I do to fix my Active Content?

You can revert back to just the good old ‘description’, however this lacks the X-Factor you once had. Alternatively, you can get an ‘Active Content Free’ template rebuilt and rolled out across your store. You can contact us if you want to find out the services we offer in regards to eliminating Active Content and building a template.

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Bottrell Media

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