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Infographics – How they can Push your Business Potential and Online Presence

The current level of online technology we have at our finger tips in our current lifestyles is nothing but spectacular. Just imagine how much information is generated on a daily basis, which according to research materials can reach up to 1.5 billion individual units of content. Throw in more than 140 million tweets generated each day and top it all off with 2 million uploaded videos.

If you’re a business owner or a digital marketer, it is very easy for your content to get lost in the jungle – which makes it doubly hard for targeted customers to find you.

What you need is something that can really grab your targeted audiences’ attention and you can do so by presenting Infographics. This highly graphical visualisation tool is an innovative way of displaying content that can attract the attention of your targeted audiences, easily understood and digested by them.

If you’re struggling with your content marketing efforts and are generating little or no relevant traffic, then you need to greatly consider using Infographics as part of your digital marketing arsenal.

1. Infographics Can Easily Catch Your Targeted Audiences’ Attention

Humans are visual creatures and because of this people need their “optic nerve” activated in order to process more than 90% of information that comes into one’s mind. If words fail to capture the attention and imagination of your audiences, then perhaps visual elements like Infographics can do the job better.

A research conducted by Brooke Barnett and Barbara Miller, published in the Newspaper Research Journal, presents the importance of graphical or visual elements quite well:

“On their own, text and graphics are both useful yet imperfect methods for communication. Written language allows an almost infinite number of word combinations that allow deep analysis of concepts but relies heavily on the reader’s ability to process that information. Graphics may be easier for the reader to understand but are less effective in communication of abstract and complicated concepts. Combining text and graphics allows communicators to take advantage of each medium’s strengths and diminish each medium’s weaknesses.”

If combined with well-written text, Infographics can be a very powerful tool to help your content cut through the information jungle and into your targeted audiences’ brains.

2. Infographics Can Increase Your Brand Awareness

Infographics are designed to include relevant information about the creators which usually include the logo, website address, email or even contact information. This is a very effective way to increase your brand awareness and if used properly can easily increase your traffic by at least 12%. Infographics goes beyond merely “telling” people about what your brand is – it “shows” them with visual content which is far more effective than simple text. 

3. Infographics Can Make Your Content Really Go Viral

Information compiled by MDG Advertising highlighted that visual elements like compelling images or graphics can generate 94% more views than simple text or content that does not contain any images. The main characteristic of Infographics is compelling visual content.  So much that most would want to share the same through their own networks and circles of influences.

4. Infographics Can Increase Your Search Marketing Results

Infographics not only are designed with your contact information, sharing or embedding the material in social media can generate important backlinks to you. This is true if your Infographic gets syndicated and used by other websites for their content, which they can do so as long as they link back to the source – you!

The results are an abundance of inbound links that can really boost your search rankings. You can make this better even more by adding highly targeted keywords as part of the title, description and meta information of your Infographic. Up to 60% of consumers will have the probability of contacting your business if they see your images as a relevant source for their needs. 

5. Infographics can Help You Increase Your Subscribers and Followers

The power of visual content can really be witnessed just by making a quick glance at your Facebook newsfeeds and walls. This can open the doors to better interaction or engagement with your targeted audiences, which can make people more aware of your brand, products or services – and eventually convert them into paying customers. Research from HubSpot confirms this trend, highlighting that up to 37% increase in targeted customer engagement can happen if the post includes visual elements.

6. Infographics are Portable and Easily Embeddable

By including an embed code with your posted or uploaded Infographic, people can then easily integrate that embed code right into their blogs or websites. The embedded Infographic is automatically linked to your site, aside from the attribution and other backlinks they would include for using your material.

On top of that, Infographics are designed to include short, easily understandable text just to emphasize an important piece of information. This simplicity makes Infographics more palatable to non-English global users, making them understand your point through pictures instead of texts. 

7. Infographics Can Make Your Content More Understandable

Studies have shown that clear and detailed images are more important to at least 67% of consumers. This will most likely get their attention and interest even more than other important elements like product description, customer ratings, and other text-based content.

With the amount of information flowing through the internet each day, your targeted customers will prefer small but relevant bits of visual information that they can easily understand. Long lines and paragraphs of text may not be appealing to many people as much as visual elements do.

8. Infographics Can Expand Beyond Digital Marketing

The popularity of the visual format found in Infographics can make it go beyond online marketing and be applied to print materials, brochures, and other offline tools that business owners still use as part of marketing campaigns. Many have done so and have reaped amazing results, just like Demandbase when they integrated Infographics into their offline marketing campaigns like slide presentations. After applying this in their marketing campaign, the project generated 1,700 valuable leads, 125 participants to their webinars, and increase in views from Slideshare, and the best thing here is – generating at least one million dollars in new business. 

9. Infographics Positions You as an Expert

To present content in an easily to understand manner, Infographics make use of tables, graphs, charts and other relevant information. This signifies the amount of research the creator poured in to produce the content they need. This will highlight how knowledgeable the publisher is in this particular subject matter – and establishes the creator as an expert in this field. This will increase your online credibility and reputation as a business owner who has a key grasp of the concepts and relevant information in a particular niche.

10. Infographics are Easy to Track with Analytics

Infographics can easily be tracked using analytics, which can even be made easier if tracking is included in the embed code. Every time your Infographic is clicked, viewed and shared, can be tracked and measured using analytics. This will present you with a greater insight and understanding of what makes your targeted customers behave and think – so you can adjust accordingly and make even more interesting and relevant Infographics.

In this highly competitive and information-flooded global marketplace and environment, the key to online success is to get your targeted customers attention and interest. This makes Infographics a very vital and effective tool that business owners and digital marketers should incorporate to keep all customer focus glued to what is most relevant of all – your content.


For more information upon Social Media and Online Presence, get in touch with Bottrell Media, the experts in getting any business in the digital spotlight. Visit to find out how we can help you. Read more related blogs here.

Original article written by Jomer Gregorio, sourced from:


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