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Best marketing strategy for small business

For small businesses, the options for marketing are more often than not, limited by budget. So how to do you come up with an appropriate marketing strategy?

It is difficult to contend with the mega companies that have hundreds of thousands to spend on national and international marketing campaigns. So what is the best marketing strategy for a small business with limited budget?


Word of mouth is one of the most important marketing activities you can work on. Plus it’s one of the easiest! Simply providing excellent customer service, delivery and follow up to your customers goes further than any advertising dollars can go.


You provide brilliant service to one customer, that customer tells their friends, they tell their friends and so on. The snowball effect has begun and recommendations start flowing. Potential clients value the opinion of others far more than a glitzy advertising campaign ever can.


So if you are a small business with limited advertising dollars, turn your focus inwards and work on what you have and what you can offer – as that is worth its weight in gold.

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Bottrell Media

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