Sizing your Content for Social Platforms

It’s a lot of pressure to stay active across every social media platform, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. But like it or not, social media is here to stay and is drastically changing to way we see and interact with marketing. Entrepreneurs, business people, marketers, and others with a message to get out are taking notice.

Social media can be an enormously useful tool in the business world. You can boost brand recognition and loyalty, connect with potential or current customers, advertise products and promotions, share helpful or inspiring content, and more. Best of all, getting started on these platforms is free and just requires an investment of sometime and creativity — which can pay off in big ways.

Increase your Audience Engagement with Correctly Sized Content

It’s worth noting that sharing visual content on social media can be particularly effective for increasing engagement with your audience. According to HubSpot:

Plus, image-centric networks like Instagram and Pinterest have been growing by leaps and bounds. There’s no better time to start creating your own social media images and graphics.

Above all – your first concern should be that your visual content is being seen how you intend it to — that the dimensions are right, so nothing gets cut off or stretched out of proportion.

pinterest sizing social media contentlinkedin social media content sizing

But don’t strain your brain trying to remember how many pixels go where or scour each site’s help section for the information — instead, download the Bottrell Social Sizing Cards from our online store at Keep them handy when you’re creating your own content for social media.

If your social media presence is lacking, why not give us a call? Bottrell Media can drastically increase your online audience and in turn, your business revenue. We specialise in taking your business to the next level, while encapsulating the ethics and goals of your company. For more related blogs, click here.

Original article written by Janie Kliever. Sourced from[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Bottrell Media

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